Petals N Buds Bear Mountain Florist
How to make your cut hydrangea last longer
Hydrangea Emersion

Making Cut Hydrangea Last Longer

Hydrangea Care

At Petals n Buds, we cut the hydrangea just above the knot at a 90 degree angle under water and treat them in a hydrating liquid before arranging. If you find your hydrangea are looking flimsy try one of the methods below to rehydrate them. Its important that you use these methods as soon as you notice any dehydration as there is a point to which the interior cells of the plant become so dry, they are unable to take up water and unable to be replenished. We want you to enjoy your flowers for as long as possible.

Using Alum Spice to Help Cut Hydrangeas:

Plan to cut hydrangea blooms in the morning while the weather is cool. Take a pitcher of water to the garden and drop bloom stems into water immediately after cutting them (important). As you arrange the blooms, recut the stems and dip the bottom 1/2 inch of stem into powdered alum spice found at the grocery store.

Preparing cut hydrangea for design:

When cutting hydrangeas, take water to the garden in a container. Immediately after cutting each bloom, drop the stem in the water. This step is very important as air gets trapped in the stem of the hydrangea quickly. I cut hydrangea under water a second time, always above a knot in the stem before placing my hydrangea in a vase or arranging. When your indoors you can also boil water and pour it into a cup or any container. Stand the stems of the hydrangeas in the hot water for 30 seconds. Immediately put into room temperature water and then arrange.

Reviving Wilted Blooms in an Arrangement:

There is a point past which this technique will no longer revive the bloom, but I've had it work 4-5 days after the hydrangeas were actually cut. Place the ends of each stem in steaming water for 30 seconds, making sure that the steam does not burn the flower head. Then, plunge the cuttings up to the flower head room temperature water. Drape moist paper towels across the tops of the blossoms to cover them completely. Do not allow the paper towels to dry out. In four hours, your hydrangeas should be fully conditioned and ready for arranging.

If your afraid to try this, you can also fully submerge your hydrangea in lukewarm water, flower head and all, or water up to the bloom and mist the bloom. Flowers will re-plump within 12 hours if they are not beyond their hydro point. If you treat your blooms in this way and they stay fallen, they will not revive because the cells of the bloom have dried. Watch the video below for more information.

Varieties of Hydrangea

Hydrangeas are beautiful shrubs with a spectacular flower display. Their large, round flower heads are what distinguish them from every other shrub in the garden. Among many varieties of hydrangea, we will focus on six of the most popular and those that you might see available in Petals n Buds Flower shop at different times, they may be in season.

First and most commonly recognised are the bigleaf hydrangeas known by their scientific name as Hydrangea macrophylla. Other common names include florist’s hydrangea, garden hydrangea, and French hydrangea. These Hydrangea are commonly sold at Petals n Buds flower shops and come in a few different colors such as purple, blue or pink.

It is important to keep the bigleaf hydrangeas watered on a consistent basis as they are sensitive to drought.

Hydrangea paniculata, are known for their long panicles from which their large flowers bloom. Their cone-shaped panicles can range from six to 18 inches long, as opposed to the bulb shaped flower heads of other hydrangeas. Their flowers will first appear as white, but as the plant grows older, the flowers may turn pink. Because panicle hydrangeas have such persistent flowers, they are great for drying or for use as cut flowers to decorate your home. Their unique cone-shaped height makes them a great addition to any bouquet or centerpiece.

Lacecap hydrangeas are almost identical to mophead hydrangeas with the only difference existing in its flowers. They have tiny fertile flower buds in the center, with showy flowers that circle the edge of the flower head. These showy flowers are sterile, and their only purpose is to attract.

Smooth hydrangea, also known as wild hydrangeas native to the Americas. It is a large shrub that produces white, round flower heads that look like large snowballs of stems that can grow up to six feet tall. It’s scientific name, Hydrangea arborescens, is derived from the word “arbor” meaning tree due to its branching patterns and size. Smooth hydrangea have been nicknamed Annabelle’s.

The oakleaf hydrangea is named for its foliage which is shaped like oak tree leaves. In fact, its scientific name, Hydrangea quercifolia, is derived from Latin word “quercifolia” which literally translates into “oakleaf.” the oakleaf hydrangea leaves turn color during the fall as well and are the only type of hydrangeas that do this. Their leaves can range from golden orange and bright red, to deep mahogany—making them one of the most attractive shrubs for your fall garden.

The climbing hydrangea, Hydrangea animola or petiolaris, is the most distinct type of hydrangea because it is actually a vine —even reaching up to 80 feet with a supporting structure! Otherwise these plants will only grow 3 to four feet in height due to their heavy foliage. The climbing hydrangea have a fluffy lace-like appearance and beautiful aroma as a matured plant.

Macrophylla and paniculata hydrangea are a treasured garden plants but if you grow them in your own gardens you must give them a little time on their stems to harden up before you pull out the shears. Sold and adored in Petals n Buds flower shops these gorgeous blooms kick-up any interior décor or bouquet presented in kindness. These two, are the common varieties sold in Petals n Buds Florist shops.

Hydrangea arborescens Annabelle (a very hardy form, blooming on new wood), hydrangea quercifolia (oakleaf hydrangea - very handsome in woodland), hydrangea aspera (extraordinarily shade tolerant) and of course, the climbing hydrangea: hydrangea petiolaris are all excellent plants but more suited to a wilder sort of garden than macrophylla and paniculata.

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